JHM Summer Camp

JHM Summer Camp

AUG 7-12
$739 (Early Bird: $699)
Hume SoCal

Current 5th-7th Graders! Join us for JHM Summer Camp this summer for a ton of fun and a whole lot of Jesus!

Believe it or not, it’s finally time to start marking your calendars and preparing for JHM Summer Camp 2023! This has been a long time coming, and our team is so incredibly excited to announce that we will in fact be going to camp this year and registration will be opening the morning of Monday, February 6th at 12A. With that being said, here’s a bit of information that will help you understand why we call Summer Camp, THE BEST WEEK OF SUMMER!


JHM Summer Camp may be the life-changing-event your student needs. As your student gets older and explores the world around them, it’s more important now than ever that they build a solid foundation to be grounded in: a foundation built on faith in Jesus. Attending summer camp encourages spiritual growth in a Bible-centered environment, allowing your student to focus on their relationship with God and fellow Christians in a brand new place and in a brand new way. Camp has been the life changing moment for so many, your student is next.

IT IGNITES STUDENT’S FAITH… Jesus moves in the lives of our students and leaders while we’re away at camp. Plain and simple. There’s something about spending a week in God’s word, worshiping Him, hearing encouraging/convicting messages, and sharing faith experiences with peers and leaders that sets a student's faith in God on fire.

IT PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNITY… Summer Camp brings students together. During the week, they’ll be bunking with their friends (or friends to be), competing in team competitions, and engaging in cabin conversations where they’ll unpack God’s word with one another each night.

IT REMOVES STUDENTS FROM EVERYDAY DISTRACTIONS… At camp, we have a strict NO CELLPHONE POLICY. We strongly believe that students (and really all of us) have too many distractions that compete with time spent with Jesus. Summer Camp is a distraction-free zone (no social media, YouTube, Netflix, etc.) that enables everyone who attends to slow down and experience Jesus.

IT’S A TON OF FUN… We love to bring excitement, it’s one of the most important love languages of all Junior Highers. Hume goes all out in engaging and exhilarating games, team competitions, and opportunities for students to let out their energy and enthusiasm. In the past, we’ve held themed dance parties, huge team games with 10ft beach balls, and plenty of belly flop competitions. This year will not disappoint in bringing the fun!