Women Bilingual in Mandarin and English 雙語婦女(双语妇女)小組- 中/英文

Friday 11:45A-2P

The vision of this life group is to help Chinese English learners to be more comfortable interacting with others in English and for them to feel more connected with the body of Christ at Friends Church.

Join us as we connect in both Mandarin and English. We will learn more about God as we discuss sermons and share stories in Mandarin with English written documents. Together we will learn about cultural differences and increase our vocabulary. We have a heart to reach out to people of diversity with the love of God.

*We invite anyone who is bilingual or learning Mandarin to join us.

For more information please send an email to bilingual@friends.church

这个生命小组的异象是要协助华人英文学习者能更自在地用英文与他人交流,并与Friends Church内的基督肢体(弟兄姊妹)有更深的连结。欢迎加入我们同时使用中英文交流的行列。当我们以英文文件为基础使用中文(普通话)讨论主日信息和分享故事时,我们将更多地了解神,也一起学习文化上的差异,并增加我们的英文字汇。我們也欢迎中英文双语者加入我们。我们渴望以神的爱接触多元化的人群。
