By joining the Special Events Team, you can use your skills and talents to help us improve the experience of our guests in our services and events. You can help us think of special service elements, seasonal decor, installations, photo-booth backdrops, and more! From brainstorming, designing, and event planning, to executing the vision and setting up we would love your help at any point of this process.
Sign Up to ServeHelp brainstorm, design, and execute special DIY projects that bring our event experiences to life.
varies/flexible, 8+ opportunities per year
Work during an event by serving food, managing activities, etc.
1x a month, 10+ opportunities per year
Event tear down is an important part that comes with all of our events–after all the fun is over help put supplies away, break down tables, take out trash, etc.
1-2x a month, 10+ opportunities per year
Lend a hand to help set up for our events or services.
1-2x a month, 10+ opportunities per year
At-home tasks and projects that can be taken home to work on. From giveaway gifts to DIY projects this is a great way to serve if you don't have a ton of availability but want to help serve in your down time at home!