At Risk Youth

Our Motivation

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 (NIV)

Children are close to Jesus’ heart. When He walked among us, He was passionate about caring for those who couldn’t care for themselves; and today, He invites us to do the same. By supporting orphans, foster care kids, and the families who help them, we’re putting skin on the Gospel and bringing His Kingdom to earth, one child at a time. 


Homeless in the US.


Families live in the streets on Orange County.


Homeless and insecure youth in Orange County.


Meals served to homeless by Friends Church.

Who It Impacts

The Williams family was devastated when they were unable to have children. Although they always wanted to adopt, they didn’t know that it would become their highest call as parents. Today, they are a beautiful family of four girls, each of whom came to them through the foster care system. 

But it wouldn’t have been possible without the love and support of their church family. 

If you’re passionate about helping orphans and at-risk kids, you may not know where to start. Thankfully, our Loving Families program makes it easy for you to make a difference. With just a couple hours a month, you can impact a family for a lifetime!

Community Partners

We’re also blessed to partner with these wonderful organizations in our community that work tirelessly to fight homelessness and food insecurity.